Message from the Head

Dear Students
The rapid development of pre-hospital emergency health services in our country and the increase in the need for medical practice of emergency patients who benefit from the service and the direct relationship with human health increase the importance of this program. It is important to be able to provide emergency care and rescue services to the patient or injured before the hospital, to be careful and cold-blooded, to determine the condition of the patient or injured with appropriate communication skills and to apply the correct medical intervention. In order to do all these, well-trained first and emergency aid workers are needed.
As the First and Emergency Aid Program, our aim is to train health technicians who can provide basic and advanced life support to the sick and injured in pre-hospital emergency health services; who can recognize existing and possible traumas and make appropriate emergency approach; to train health technicians who ensure that patients or injured patients who have undergone first interventions reach hospitals safely by ambulance. Our academic staff, consisting of a professional, experienced and dynamic team in the field; They work devotedly to train professional health technicians in the field of first and emergency aid.
It will give us great pleasure to see you, our prospective students, among us in our program, where we aim for our students to start their professional lives with firm and confident steps. We wish you all success in your education process and in all stages of your life.
Head of Department